Anna N. Schlegel

Entrepreneur and promoter of female talent in the technological sector

She is currently vice president of Product, International Market and Globalisation at Procoin Technologies, after 12 years as vice president of the Global Portfolio-to-Market organisation at NetApp.

She has worked in the technology industry in Silicon Valley for over 20 years and has led teams at Cisco, VMWare, Xerox and Verisign. She is also a Global Executive Sponsor of the Women in Technology organization, which aims to foster the development of women leaders in the technology sector. In addition, she is the co-founder of Women in Localization, the leading professional organization for women in localization, with more than 5,000 members worldwide.

Her teams have received numerous awards for their efforts in the globalization industry, including a Think Global Brand of the Year award in Silicon Valley. She has also received the Silicon Valley Woman of Influence and Language Person of the Year awards (2018). In November 2020, she received Diligent's Modern Governance 100 award for her efforts in non-profit board governance. 

She was recently featured on the cover of Analytics Insight magazine as one of the top ten most influential women in the technology sector. She is the author of Truly Global - The Theory and Practice of Bringing Your Company to International Markets, which has been recognized as one of the best books on global markets in the world. She speaks six languages, she is from Catalonia and lives with her family in Santa Clara, California.

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