Christian Alonso

Researcher, writer and curator

Researcher, writer and curator based in Barcelona. Professor of art history at ESDi Design School-Ramon Llull University (URL) and the University of Lleida (UdL), and coordinator of the On Mediation programme on curatorship (2013-2021). He holds a PhD in Art History and Theory, University of Barcelona (UB). In his doctoral dissertation, he links Félix Guattari’s ecosophic perspective with a series of ethico-aesthetic practices to conceptualise the work of art as a technology for producing non-anthropocentric ways of life.

He has worked on this subject as a curator (Imaginaris multiespècies [Multispecies imaginaries], La Capella, 2022; Polítiques del sòl [Soil politics], Centre d'Art Maristany, 2019; Recomposicions maquíniques [Machinic recompositions], Can Felipa, 2017); as an editor (Transversal ethico-aesthetics, REGAC Journal of Global Studies and Contemporary Art, 2021; Polítiques del sòl [Soil politics], Sant Cugat City Council, 2021; Recomposicions maquíniques [Machinic recompositions], Barcelona City Council, 2019; Mutating Ecologies in Contemporary Art, Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2019); as the coordinator of arts education conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops (Mutating Ecologies in Contemporary Art, MACBA, 2016; 2018; 2019; 2020; Indigenous Epistemologies and Artistic Imagination, Institut Français-MACBA, 2019; Culture and Sustainability: 3 days with T.J. Demos, Fundació Tàpies-UB, 2018; Art and Speculative Futures, CCCB, 2016; Towards an Ecology of Knowledges, MACBA-UB); and in different applied artistic research projects, as director of the Working Group on the hybrid ecologies of the Delta del Llobregat

Christian Alonso - Biennal Ciutat i Ciència

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