Christian Betánzos

Cultural activist, anthropologist, multidisciplinary artist and researcher in BeAnotherLab

BeAnotherLab is an interdisciplinary research art collective based in Barcelona. Situated at the intersection between art, science and technology, BeAnotherLab's work is focused on the creation and development of systems and applications that serve as transformative tools towards a more empathetic, altruistic and caring society, such as The Machine to be Another, one of their best known projects.

BeAnotherLab is an international team of transdisciplinary researchers: Philippe Bertrand, Christian Betánzos, Christian Cherene, Norma Deseke, Daniel González,  Daniëlle Hooijmans, Daanish Masood, Marte Roel and Arthur Tres. Each one has a rich experience in knowledge production, with varying expertise in the arts and sciences, ranging from Cognitive Science and Psychology, Interactive Systems Design, Digital Arts, Computer Science, Social- and Cultural Anthropology, Cultural Management, Philosophy and Conflict Resolution.

Christian Betánzos - Biennal Ciutat i Ciència

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