Diego Redolar

Neuroscientist specialized in learning and memory

BSc in Psychology, MSc in Neuroscience, MSc in Statistics and PhD in Neuroscience from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Currently, he is full professor and vice-dean of research at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), collaborating professor at the UAB and co-director of the Cognitive NeuroLab at the UOC. 

He has extensive research experience in the field of Neurosciences, specifically in the study of cognitive functions using invasive and non-invasive stimulation techniques of the nervous system in animal and human models. His research activity has focused on the study of the neural bases of learning and memory, and their modulation and potentiation by means of neural reinforcement systems; and on the study of the recovery of cognitive deficits. 

Apart from his scientific production, he is author and editor of different works, among which Neuroanatomía (2004), Neuroanatomía y neuropsicología cognitiva (2007), Cerebro y adicción (2008), El cerebro cambiante (2009), El cerebro estresado (2011), Neuropsicología (2013), Neurociencia cognitiva (2014), Placer, toma de decisiones y cerebro (2017), y Psicobiología (2019).. He is also part of the science popularizer group Cervell de Sis, which collaborates in publications in different media.

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