Elisabet Roselló

Cultural researcher

Cultural researcher specialized in new ways of working, social and cultural trends and transformations, sustainable innovation and futures studies. Founder of Postfuturear, a contemporary foresight agency that combines futures studies, change and systems research, strategy and management, design and philosophy. She is also a member of The Centre for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies. She is an occasional contributor to various media, such as El País Retina, writing on technology, society and culture.

BSc in History by the University of Barcelona (UB), she has worked as a trend researcher and consultant in technological innovation on her own account and in agencies, consultancies and public administration. She has also worked as a research assistant for the Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGOP-UAB) and the Interdisciplinary Internet Institute (IN3-UOC) in different projects in the field of innovation and emerging, open and collaborative economies.

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