Erik Hobbelink Borrull


Graduated in Environmental Sciences at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and Master in Agroecology at the International University of Andalusia (UNIA). He has worked at the Sabià Center with peasant communities in northeastern Brazil on short marketing circuits, rural-urban relations and access to water. Also in the field of food policies in the journal Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas elaborating reports of policy recommendations for the Barcelona City Council.

Regarding his research, he has studied the dynamics of traditional knowledge in the Gallecs Rural Space with the University of Vic (UVic-UCC) and the impacts of climate change in indigenous communities in Costa Rica with the UAB. He is currently working on two research projects related to climate change and the rural environment: one on the situation of extensive livestock farming in Spain and another on the vulnerability and adaptation strategies of Mediterranean beekeeping.