Gemma Marfany

Genetist and science popularizer

Full Professor in Genetics at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and Delegate of the Rector for Scientific Dissemination of Knowledge. Currently, she leads a research group focused on the genetics of retinal rare diseases, the generation of animal models and gene editing. She is head of the unit U718 of CIBERER, member of the Institut de Biomedicina UB (IBUB-IRSJD), and Secretary of the Committee of Bioethics at the UB. She is also the co-founder and assessor of a spin-off company of genetic diagnosis of inherited visual disorders, DBGen Ocular Genomics.

She is author of several popular science books and weekly articles in generalist journals and is involved in many activities of science dissemination as a return to the society, including patient's associations, education and civic centres, high and primary schools.

Activitats on participa