Jordi Delgado

Expert in artificial intelligence

Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). He has been teaching programming for more than 25 years, among others, in the Edutec group at Citilab-*Cornellà, of which he is co-founder.

His current research revolves around neural networks and cellular automata, although he has previously worked on the computational potential of social insects and the study of the emergence of coordination in systems of agents with complex connection topology. Co-founder also of, which since 2013 aims to disseminate and raise awareness about the right to privacy and related techniques.

He collaborated several times with the Science Party. Author of De Turing aGoogle: computación y programación (2019) and La cuestión P vs NP: una Introducción a la complejidad computacional (2020).

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