Marco Inzitari

Geriatric doctor

Mège, specialist in Geriatrics, doctor in Medicine of the Environment and master's degree in Health Institutions Management. He is Director of Integrated Care and Research at the Pere Virgili Health Park in Barcelona, head of the Research Group on Ageing, Frailty and Transitions (RE-FIT Bcn) at the Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR), Associate Professor at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and President of the Catalan Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology.

He is the author of more than 80 international publications on ageing, principal investigator of five competitive projects and consultant for different public entities on ageing and health issues, including different programmes of the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Government of Canada.