Stella Evangelidou

Expert in global mental health

International PhD in Transcultural Psychiatry from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and Harvard University, with initial studies in Clinical Community/Health Psychology at the University of Bath. She is an expert in global mental health, consultant in mental health and psychosocial projects (SMAP), specialising in migration.

She has worked in European and international research projects (MyHealth, epicentre, WHOQOL) and in numerous humanitarian MHPAS projects (MSF, ICRC) as an activity manager, clinical and community research coordinator and external evaluator. She coordinates the medical anthropology module in the Master in Health and International Cooperation (UAB) and, as a guest lecturer, teaches on cross-cultural mental health, violence against women, MHPAS in lower middle-income countries and social determinants of mental health. Currently, she is the referent on migration and mental health at the Barcelona CaixaResearch Living Lab.