Vinciane Despret

Philosopher of science

Trained in Psychology and Philosophy, she is an international reference in the field of animal studies and is especially known for her contributions in the field of human/non-human relations.

She is currently a professor at the University of Liège (Belgium), where she teaches Philosophy of Science and Anthropology of Psychology. Her work is connected to that of thinkers such as Bruno Latour, Donna Haraway or Isabelle Stengers, and she is considered a leading voice of the so-called "animal turn" in social sciences and cultural criticism. Her reflections can be found in essays such as ¿Qué dirían los animales... si las preguntamos las preguntas correctas? (Cactus Editorial, 2018) and, more recently, in the book Habiter en oiseau (Actas Sur, 2019). In Spanish, you can also read Cuerpos, emocionas, experimentación y psicología (UNED, 2015) and A la felicidad de los muertos: Relatos de quienes quedan (La Découverte, 2016).

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