Chemical Transformation

13 from June 2021 from 10:15 to 10:45 - 10:30 to 11:00 - 10:45 to 11:15 - 11:00 to 11:30 - 11:15 to 11:45 - 11:30 to 12:00 - 11:45 to 12:15 - 12:00 to 12:30

Barceloneta Park

In person (by prior registration)

The science of spherification

Workshop by Laura Hernández Eguía, Gemma Aragay Esteve, Chiara Mirabella, Pedro Ferreira, Andrea Rivoli, Arturo Llamosí Fornes and Daniel Sánchez Resa, Catalan Institute of Chemical Research (ICIQ).

Science often uses terms and concepts that are sometimes unfamiliar. In modern chemistry, for example, we talk about the process called encapsulation, which has important applications in the pharmaceutical industry. Through an experiment you will get an overview to understand what this encapsulation consists of and how it relates to esterification, another concept you will also discover in this workshop.

Key and lock chemistry

Demonstration by Laura Hernández Eguía, Gemma Aragay Esteve, Chiara Mirabella, Pedro Ferreira, Arturo Llamosí Fornes and Daniel Sánchez Resa, Catalan Institute of Chemical Research (ICIQ).

Nature is composed of atoms that group together to form molecules. These molecules can self-organize and build more complex structures with so-called "non-covalent" bonds. This process is called self-assembly and has a reversible character, i.e., the molecules can separate and return to their individual state. If the molecules were people, this process could be likened to building a castle at a major party. Do you want to find out?

The manure composting process

Workshop by Daniel Sabrià and Norbert Prat, Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA).

In nature, the organic remains of living beings decompose into elements that other organisms take advantage of and, therefore, recycle. This is the basis of composting and an example of this process is manure. In this workshop you will discover how manure is transformed into a product of high biological value both for fertilizing crops and for use as animal bedding.

Also of interest