Feeding Barcelona. City, Supply and Health

12 from June 2021 from 17:30 to 18:30

Fort Pienc Square

In person (by prior registration)

The Museum of History of Barcelona (MUHBA) contributes to the World Capital of Sustainable Food with the exhibition Feeding Barcelona. City, supply and health, which will open in October 2021 in the Tinell Hall, the chapel of Santa Agata and annexed spaces.

Food sustainability is an issue to be analyzed also from the historical point of view, to understand the present. The exhibition brings together very diverse lines of research that nourish the discourse from the specificity of their discipline: on the one hand, the study of the supplies of Barcelona throughout its history, including food, research on the history of hospital and healthcare in the city, the study of Barcelona's historical gastronomy and research on osteoarchaeology of human remains recovered in archaeological contexts of Barcelona.

The guarantee of food supply and food security was one of the main occupations and concerns of the Council of One Hundred since its creation in the mid-fourteenth century. Since then and up to the present, the city government has striven to guarantee supply and quality, either because it had direct competence or because it acted in a subsidiary manner and in parallel to the authority that officially had them. The intervention of the municipal government has been constant and continues to this day, with the network of municipal markets and Mercabarna, the great larder of Barcelona and Europe.

Activity within the framework of the World Capital of Sustainable Food Barcelona 2021.

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