Malnutrition in a Food Wasteful Society

09 from June 2021 from 19:30 to 21:00

La Pedrera

In person (by prior registration)

Food plays a fundamental role in people's health, both in the prevention of non-communicable diseases (prevent) and in the treatment of many others (cure) and also to improve the quality of life (care).

People eat much more than just for the need to nourish themselves, so the daily management of food is not simple. This is shown by the results of studies and health surveys, which reflect widespread poor eating habits. In this sense, health professionals must be able to transmit messages that are understandable and easy to follow, and the best way is for them to be the first to have good habits, as well as good knowledge, abilities and culinary skills.

The round table will deal with the role of "food" as medicine by medical professionals, an explanation of the term "culinary medicine", what strategies exist, the scientific evidence and the results of studies and cases that have been carried out to improve the quality of life of people.

Activity within the framework of the World Capital of Sustainable Food Barcelona 2021.

Also of interest