Science as Culture

10 from June 2021 from 17:30 to 18:30

Gardens of Casa de la Misericòrdia

All fields of knowledge play an essential role in the integral education of people. Of course, so do scientific and technical subjects. We must avoid that vision where some branches of knowledge are considered fundamental pillars for the education of responsible people and a more humane society, while other branches are given a purely practical meaning. Far from this conception, all fields are equally necessary.

In order to promote a single transversal culture in all fields of knowledge, the potential of fields such as art, music or literature must be exploited. Likewise, scientific knowledge can complete and enhance the discourse and contribution of other fields of culture.

Projects where art and science converge are an example of this, and the role of citizens in forging this culture is key. This has been demonstrated, for example, by initiatives arising from naturalist organizations such as the Catalan Institution of Natural History or the Hiking Center of Catalonia, among many others, or more recently, projects framed within the concept of citizen science.

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