The Solar System

13 from June 2021 from 17:30 to 18:05

Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) - Visits and showings

In person (by prior registration)

The Sun today

Demonstration by Pere Closas, Astronomical Association of Barcelona (Aster).

Observe in real time the state of the Sun, its activity and what is happening. For us, the inhabitants of the Earth, it is the most important star, because thanks to it, life on this planet is possible.

What the Solar System is like

Demonstration by Carlos López, Astronomical Association of Barcelona (Aster).

The Sun is the star around which the Earth revolves. But the Earth is not the only object orbiting the star: planets, comets, asteroids and other objects revolve around the Sun. Do you want to find out what our Solar System is like and which objects are part of it? Come and find out!

Presented by Giulia Fornabaio, with the collaboration of the Associació Catalana de Comunicació Científica (ACCC).

Tickets sold out
Science Festival
Please note:

This activity will take place in the courtyard of the PRBB.

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