Molecular Plasticity, the relevance of ductile proteins for health and biodiversity

Activity finished

Carrer de Provença, 480, 08025 Barcelona
Wed 22 Feb · 18:30
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Interactive and multisensory show that combines science, dance, audiovisuals and interactive technology to discover a new paradigm in molecular biology. It contains a powerful message of inclusion and tolerance: "Being different should not necessarily be a disadvantage", as it explains the role of ductile proteins in the development of evolutionary processes and major diseases. Proteins that were initially dismissed as different or irregular, but are now becoming increasingly popular in the scientific community due to their versatility and great potential for new discoveries.

By Inmaculada Yruela, scientific researcher at the Aula Dei Experimental Station (EEAD-CSIC), Laia Mora, dancer, and Roberto Torres, from Science in your World. Activity organised in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and Barcelona City Council.

The activity is part of the cycle Visions of Science Read science. More information on this link.

Living with science
Living in equity
On-site activity without registration

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