Food, Pleasure and Wellbeing in Old Age

10 from June 2021 from 11:00 to 12:00

Food Market of Sants

In person (by prior registration)

As we get older we experience a series of physiological, nutritional and also social changes, which imply having to adapt our food: the greater need for some nutrients such as vitamin D, proteins or zinc; the adaptation of texture when problems appear in chewing or swallowing; the reduction of salt intake to take care of cardiovascular health; the reduction of sweets due to high sugar; even the difficulty of cooking as usual due to the appearance of muscle weakness, among others.

This workshop is aimed at seniors who live alone or with a partner and who still have enough autonomy to plan, shop, cook and eat. People who want to take care of themselves by eating in the healthiest way according to their needs and continue to enjoy the experience of eating well. We will show strategies to better plan meals and explain in an easy and applied way quick and healthy cooking techniques personalized according to each circumstance.

Activity within the framework of the World Capital of Sustainable Food Barcelona 2021.

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Fabiola Juárez,
Joan Ribas
With the collaboration of:

RADARS project.

Also of interest